AJZ Talschock Konzert

WORM - European Tour 2024

Worm - Doom Death Black Metal (US)

Spawned from the murkiest depths of Florida’s Everglades, Worm have proven themselves to be one of the most driven and dedicated acts in the current landscape of underground metal. Taking inspiration from the legends of the genre all the way down to the most obscure demo level mysterions - all the while spinning these converging ideas into their unmistakably unique brand of “Necromantic Black Doom”. If there is one thing you can always rely on Worm for, it is evolution. From stark black demos that sound at home with the French black metal elite of the 90s, through to the swampiest doom soaked atmospheres of the “Gloomlord” and “Foreverglade” and now finally with the symphonic cacophony showcased on “Bluenothing” and “Starpath”, Worm have consistently shown their strength as songwriters and dissectors of genre. What the future holds is uncertain, but have no doubt, in this era of apathetic irony fraught metal, Worm reigns supreme.
Ante-Inferno - Black Metal (UK)
Ante-Inferno – (Vendetta Records)

Like a glimmer of hoar frost upon the barren, windswept plains, the Ante-Inferno flickered into life and scorched the earth below. It was 2017. Bent on pursuing a grim path of black metal fraught with malice and existential dread, we began to carve our path through the abyssal cosmos. Over the ensuing years, a demo and debut album, Fane, were released to utterings of acclaim from the underground, interspersed with frantic life shows that merged our atmospheric offerings with an unrestrained form of bestial ferocity.
Then, in 2022, we released our sophomore work, Antediluvian Dreamscapes, surpassing our previous compositions and drawing further attention from a now-rapidly growing audience. This transcendental exploration of our ancient past, present, and unwritten future set the stage for two European tours, first into the heartland of Scandinavia and henceforth across the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium respectively. Now, with a third album tantalisingly close, we await our forward march without trepidation, but instead with a stony determination matched only by our diabolic intent to conquer and lay waste.
Ultima Necat - Black Death Metal (Ger)

Hailing from the echoing depths of another world, Ultima Necat emerged on the night of the 21. June 2022. While the band’s mysterious spirit is undoubtedly rooted through the sacred pillars of death and black metal, their sound is drenched in a mortiferous haze. Screams of psychedelic chaos calling for grievous pain and gloomy chants approaching death and the end of time.
Doors 19:30 / Start 20:00
